Microsoft provides a local emulator that can be used during development when it's either undesirable or not possible to use cloud-based Blob, Queue and Table storage assets within an Azure Storage account.

Let's look at how to add and use Azurite support to an existing Function App project developed in Visual Studio Code.

This walk-through is based on the Microsoft Learn Documentation which describes Azurite in more detail and is a read I recommend.

In this walk through I'm using the full local storage connection string method to connect to emulated storage accounts. Your connection method may vary depending on your requirements. See the Microsoft doc linked above for discussion on different authentication methods that can be used with Azurite.

Install Azurite

If you're developing a Function App, you probably have Azurite installed already (it's also used as a local emulator for Function Apps).

Confirm Azurite is installed from the extension marketplace. If it's not, install it first.

Extension Marketplace

Configure Azurite

Next configure Azurite by selecting the settings gear from the Azurite entry in the extension panel, then select Settings.

Confirm the local IP Address is set for each of the services desired (e.g. Blob, Table, Queue)

The default settings:

  • Blob storage:
  • Table storage:
  • Queue storage:

Use the defaults unless there are port conflicts with other local services.

If you have specific configuration needs, such as certificate authentication or other configuration changes to the Storage services running in Azurite, this panel is where they are made. Most of the time the default settings are fine.

Start the Storage Emulators

In Visual Studio Code, you can start the Azurite storage emulators via the command palette.

Open the command palette (Ctrl-Shift-P), and

At this point there are local services running on localhost for the services you configured (Blob, Table and/or Queue).

Configure Storage Explorer

Before changing code, let's look at the local storage resources Azurite manages using Azure Storage Explorer.

If you haven't already, download the Azure Storage Explorer and install it on your local system, then run Storage Explorer.

Next, note that the connected services panel includes a folder for Emulator & Attached storage resources (1), which is where we'll be accessing account objects once configured.

If Storage Explorer has preconfigured your storage Azurite storage account and you're able to create containers, you can skip the reset of this section and move on to the next section.

Select the Plug icon from the vertical navigation to connect to a new resource (2).

Select the Local storage emulator option from the available types of storage accounts.

Storage Explorer Connection

Confirm the default settings. These values should match the settings you used in setting up Azurite in Visual Studio Code.

View Accounts in Storage Explorer

Once configured, you will be able to browse and change the content of the storage account.

For my test, I'm going to upload a .docx file to a blob container called appconfig. I'll create that container in Storage Explorer.

Create a test container in storage explorer

Test the Blob Container

I'll test Azurite by modifying a Python Function App function so that it uploads a blob file (test.docx) to Azurite rather than to an Azure storage account.

Create a Connection String

To connect to the local Azurite storage account, I'll use connection strings. Since I used the default Azurite configuration, the connection strings are "well known", as follows:

Using these well known Azurite key values are OK in most scenarios, as the source IP connecting to localhost is limited to your own local development workstation. However, if using well known values is not desirable, simply change the keys in the VS Code Azurite configuration panel and update the connection strings to match.

Blob Connection String


Table Connection String


Queue Connection String


To use these values in code, I'll add all of them to my local .env file:

Upload a Blob from Code

In this solution, we don't use connection strings in production – instead we use Managed Identities and IAM Roles to grant permissions to Entra identities. To use connection strings, I'll add some branching in my code.

In the code below, if the connection strings are found in the environment, then they are used to connect to the storage account. Otherwise Entra credentials are used.

In production, these connection string values are not set in the Azure App Service, so the code will only use managed identity credentials to connect to actual, production storage account resources.

Fetch the connection string

We attempt to resolve the connection string from the runtime environment (which only exists when running from VS Code).

blob_connection_string = os.getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING")

Connect to the Storage Account

If the connection string is found in the environment, we'll use it to connect to the storage account; if not, then we'll use the credential associated with the identity running the code.

# Extracted most relevant code from Azure Function App
container_name = "userdata"
doc_filename = ... # provided in POST payload
file_bytes = ... # provided in POST payload

blob_connection_string = os.getenv("AZURE_BLOB_CONNECTION_STRING")

if blob_connection_string is not None:
  service_client = 
  storage_account = os.getenv("AZURE_BLOB_ACCOUNT")
  storage_blob_endpoint = f"https://{storage_account}"
  credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
  service_client = BlobServiceClient(storage_blob_endpoint, 

container_client = service_client.get_container_client(container_name)    
blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(doc_filename)
blob_client.upload_blob(file_bytes, blob_type="BlockBlob")

Now, when we run the function and test it, a file is uploaded to the blob storage account and can be viewed in Azure Storage Explorer.

Uploaded File

Emulated Table Storage

The code to use emulated table storage is very similar to blobs. Here's an example:

table_connection_string = os.getenv("AZURE_TABLE_CONNECTION_STRING")
table_name = "mytable"
event = { "hello": "world" }

if table_connection_string is not None:
  service_client = 
  storage_account = os.getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT")
  storage_table_endpoint = f"https://{storage_account}"
  credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
  service_client = TableServiceClient(

table_client = service_client.get_table_client(table_name=table_name)


Using Azurite for local storage account emulation is an effective way to develop Azure Function Apps (and other types of Azure apps) without having privileged access to cloud-based storage accounts. This can be useful in experimenting with new configurations and even enable development in environments where Internet connections are unavailable.