Using Entra authentication to provide an effective SSO strategy across all application experiences enhances user experience while providing a high level of security.

In this post we'll walk through a technique that leverages Entra Authentication using the MSAL OAuth library.

Shout out to Wilian Zilv, who published the open source dependency used in this demo/walk-through:


To complete the Entra + Streamlit integration, we'll implement the following steps:

  1. Create an App Registration in Entra
  2. Install the streamlit-msal dependency
  3. Configure the MSAL client ID and Tenant ID
  4. Provide a UI to trigger a login operation

Video Walk-Through

A 6-minute video walk through of this process is available on YouTube:

YouTube Walk-Through

Install Dependency

To integrate with Entra via MSAL, we'll leverage an open-source package published by Wilian Zilv. This package implements the MSAL integration using an embedded React codebase that itself leverages the Microsoft MSAL library for Javascript.

Don't worry if you dont' know React. While Wilian's package uses React internally, you won't need to worry about the React.Js components of the package unless you choose to modify the details of the Entra integration (in JS).

For reference, here's a link to Wilian's package on GitHub:

GitHub - WilianZilv/streamlit_msal
Contribute to WilianZilv/streamlit_msal development by creating an account on GitHub.

We'll integrate this package by adding it to our basic Streamlit app's requirements.txt:


Create an App Registration

The streamlit-msal dependency will need the Client ID and Tenant ID from an app registration.

The app registration should be configured with the following elements:

Setting Value
App Name The descriptive app name that the user will see when consenting to app permissions
Account Types This directory only
Redirect URI https://localhost:8501 (for local development)

Save Application Registration IDs

Save the Client ID and Tenant ID from the App Registration Overview screen. These values will be added to the Streamlit application in the next step.

Add Imports to

Begin the Streamlit app by adding imports to the top of the file.

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_msal import Msal

Add MSAL configuration

The streamlit-msal library needs the Client ID, Tenant ID, Authority, and desired scope(s) to request. We configure this by intializing streamlit-msal with these values.

auth_data = Msal.initialize(
    scopes=["User.Read"],  # Ask for a basic profile user info claim

Add login to the UI

In this sample app, we'll provide a button that begins the OAuth flow between Streamlit and Entra.

if st.button("Sign in"):
    Msal.sign_in() # Show popup to select account

Use the result

After a successful login, the streamlit-msal library will update the access_token variable with the Entra token as a JSON object (technically a JSON Web Token or JWT).

access_token = auth_data["accessToken"]
To inspect the content of a JWT, a helpful tool is

Error Handling

This post is kept as simple as possible to illustrate the bare minimum coding to implement Entra Auth with a Streamit app. This sample doesn't account for errors and edge cases, which a production app should take into account--so consider this an introductory primer!

Full Streamlit App Code

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_msal import Msal

# For a deployed app, place these variables in an environment variable
client_id = "Client ID of Entra App Registration"
tenant_id = "Tenant ID of Entra App Registration"

# Initialize the Msal object
auth_data = Msal.initialize(

if st.button("Sign in"):
    Msal.sign_in() # Show popup to select account

if not auth_data:
    st.write("You are not signed in")
    access_token = auth_data["accessToken"]

The project used in this post is available on my GitHub repo:

GitHub - robkerr/ai-ref-streamlit-msal
Contribute to robkerr/ai-ref-streamlit-msal development by creating an account on GitHub.