In this post we'll create a custom Azure IAM role to grant specific permissions to a user on an Azure App Service that allows them to perform two job-specific actions:
- View the deployment center logs so they can confirm that each deployment is successful.
- Restart the web application
As we grant these permissions via a custom IAM role, we'll hold back the ability to make configuration changes, and view other elements of the permission they don't need access to.
Creating a Custom Role
Custom roles can be created in Azure by describing the role and its permissions in a JSON format. The below JSON describes a custom role, which I'll save in a file called custom_webapp_publisher.json
"Name": "Custom WebApp Publisher",
"Id": null,
"IsCustom": true,
"Description": "Allows users to read all web app details, deployment center logs, and restart web applications.",
"Actions": [
"NotActions": [],
"AssignableScopes": [
"/subscriptions/<subscription id>"
The following properties are important to know:
- Name is simply a user-friendly name for the role. This will be used to grant and revoke the role.
- Description is displayed in the Azure portal and via CLI.
- Actions is a list of specific Azure permissions. In this case we'll allow site restart, a read permission to the Deployment Center, the ability to read the logs in the deployment center, and a general read permission so the user can view the site in the portal.
- AssignableScopes serves to limit in what context this permission can be used. In this case the role is assignable to any web site in a single subscription.
Create the Custom Role
To create the role, I'll provide the json role definition to Azure using the `az` CLI:
az role definition create --role-definition custom_webapp_publisher.json
View the Custom Role
After running the role definition create
command, I can check that the role exists, and view the detailed definition of the role:
az role definition list --custom-role-only true --output table
az role definition list --name "Custom WebApp Publisher" --output json
The second command will echo back JSON similar to what I used to define the role:
"assignableScopes": [
"createdBy": "<my Entra UUID>",
"createdOn": "2025-02-13T15:05:43.208467+00:00",
"description": "Allows users to read all web app details, deployment center logs, and restart web applications.",
"id": "/subscriptions/****/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/****",
"name": "*****",
"permissions": [
"actions": [
"condition": null,
"conditionVersion": null,
"dataActions": [],
"notActions": [],
"notDataActions": []
"roleName": "Custom WebApp Publisher",
"roleType": "CustomRole",
"type": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions",
"updatedBy": "*****",
"updatedOn": "2025-02-13T15:05:43.208467+00:00"
Assign the Role
Now that the custom role exists, I can assign it to a user or security group for a specific web or function application:
az role assignment create `
--assignee "<sec group UUID, user UUID or user email" `
--role "Custom WebApp Publisher" `
--scope "/subscriptions/<subscription UUID>/resourceGroups/<RG Name>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<Web/Fn Site Name>"
If the user didn't have any access to the web site, now they will see it in the portal, be able to review the deployment logs, and restart the web app.
If I want more or fewer permissions, I can specify additional actions or remove actions as desired.
Check Role Assignments
To view the role assignments, use the az role assignment list
CLI command:
az role assignment list --role "Custom WebApp Publisher" `
--scope "/subscriptions/<sub uuid>/resourceGroups/<rg name>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<site name>" `
--include-groups `
--include-inherited --output table
Update the Role
If it's desired to add or remove permissions from the role, this is done by:
- Export the role JSON using the
az role definition list
command. - Extract the JSON object for the role to modify from the exported JSON list , modify the JSON object to reflect the new role actions.
- Update the role using the
az role definition update
az role definition list --name "Custom WebApp Publisher" `
--output json > role.json
az role definition update --role-definition role.json
Revoke the Role
Similarly we can revoke the custom role through CLI (or Powershell or Portal). Here I'll use az CLI:
az role assignment delete `
--assignee "<user email or UUID>" `
--role "Custom WebApp Publisher" `
--scope "/subscriptions/<subscription UUID>/resourceGroups/<RG Name>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<Web/Fn Site Name>"
Delete the Custom IAM Role
Finally, if we no longer want to use the IAM Role, we can remove it from Azure.
az role definition delete --name "Custom WebApp Publisher"